Acupuncture has been proven for centuries to help support our whole body mind and health. If you suffer from Neurological conditions such as facial paralysis or paresthesia, we’d love to help.
We provide a holistic approach to acupuncture, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment to help support your whole body health.
If you’d like more information on how our acupuncture services can support you, call us on 021 081 59228 or make a booking online.
Acupuncture is cumulative, treatment and outcomes build over time.
When changes to lifestyle are made and treatments are taken regularly, the benefits of acupuncture are generally found over three to six months.
Are your therapists qualified and experienced?
At The House Of Acupuncture, we endeavor to provide the highest quality acupuncture care for people engaged in their injury recovery. Our treatment is provided by our fully qualified and registered acupuncturist with ongoing training in musculoskeletal conditions, women’s health, and over 9 years of experience treating pain and injury.