What are shin splints? Shin splints are a chronic strain injury to the muscles of the shin and clinically known as either medial tibialis stress syndrome (MTSS) or anterior tibialis stress syndrome (ATSS) depending on which area the shin is strained. It is a painful condition and often associated with running, sports, or rigorous activity …
We’ve had a few sore, swollen wrists and thumbs come into the clinic last month so we thought we’d spotlight on how acupuncture is a definite thumbs up for helping to relieve this painful condition. What is De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis? De Quervain’s syndrome is an inflammatory, overuse injury primarily of the Abductor Pollicis Longus and …
Acupuncture in its traditional form has been used by people for their pain over thousands of years. Recently its mechanism of action and efficacy have been assessed through modern evidence-based standards. The current state of evidence is emerging to support the use of acupuncture in some chronic conditions. It is now not possible to say …
For thousands of years women have been using a variety of self-care secrets to manage or treat pain and other issues associated with menstruation, naturally regulate their cycle and promote pregnancy, and later heal from childbirth. Here we reveal in succession, six self-care Traditional Chinese Medicine and East-Asian folk practices that may assist women in …
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