Modification and reduction of the aggravating movements, splinting and icing, alongside oral anti-inflammatories with exercises prescribed by a physio are the conservative treatment methods. If pain is sever (and it can be!) an injection of cortisone is given to reduce inflammation at the tendon. If results are not achieved, surgery to inspect and open the synovium can improve space within the sheath to ease the gliding movement of the tendon.
Aim for 5 treatments over two weeks to start, and weekly as results are noted. Best applied along side physio and topical home treatment. If a cortisone injection is indicated, don’t neglect the acupuncture over this time. Having the injection of anti-inflammatory alongside the soft tissue work improves effectiveness in long term recovery. Perhaps I could put it like this, the injection is like the fire fighters putting out the fire, acupuncture and assistive therapy is the rebuild, recovery, education and instillation of smoke alarms to stop that happening again!